«Design is invisible» – this well-known
guiding principle for design, has
also been adopted by Jansen.
Thanks to the same face widths and
compatible fittings, many systems
can be combined «invisibly» with one
another without any purely visual
difference being noticeable. For
example, the Janisol door systems Economy 50/60, Janisol door systems and Janisol 2 EI30 :
Wherever several doors directly
follow each other, the different
building requirements for exterior
and interior doors can be solved in a
uniform design in an attractive way.
In constructions with high security
requirements, such as airlocks for
the separation of people, further
protection goals such as bullet resistance
can also be integrated in an
optically invisible way. The combination
of slender profile geometries
with large glass formats, results in
the greatest possible transparency –
this is what architects and planners
appreciate about the steel systems
from Jansen.