Spectacular raids such as the theft of the priceless treasure from the Grünes Gewölbe in Dresden Castle make the headlines. But, every day, countless robberies take place in homes and the perpetrators not only steal everything they can make money from but also leave behind a trail of destruction. What remains is the horrible feeling of being the victim of arbitrary aggression. Burglar-proof windows and doors made from steel profile systems offer protection from this traumatic experience.
Selecting the appropriate level of resistance
In the private sphere, RC2 is recommended as the minimum requirement. This resistance class provides protection against break-in attempts with simple tools such as screwdrivers, pliers and wedges. Windows and doors of resistance class RC3 offer greater levels of protection: They must withstand at least five minutes of crowbar assault. Experience has shown that burglars give up the longer the building part resists. RC4 to RC6 are resistance classes that impose even higher requirements for intrusion protection. These components offer resistance against even experienced burglars brandishing powerful electric tools such as drills, jigsaws and angle grinders.

Reliable protection
Burglar-proof door, gate, window and facade systems constructed from Jansen steel profile systems are used on government buildings, museums and galleries as well as correctional facilities, banks and police stations. In high-end residential housing, too, glazed burglar-proof constructions that use slim steel profiles can reliably satisfy the occasionally contradictory requirements of greater transparency and openness on the one hand and protection against burglary and vandalism on the other in an aesthetically pleasing manner.