Jansen Academy
As a learning company Jansen aims to sustainably structure and position internal and external education. For this reason, we established our dedicated Jansen Academy in 2013. In this process, we focus on people and their professional and personal development. The Academy is based on an internally developed skills model including five fields of competence featuring individual skills that contribute to reaching corporate goals.
Initial and further training
With the objective of fostering skills and expertise Jansen Academy lays the foundations for skill-based HR development across all corporate areas and organisational levels.
Cutting-edge teaching and learning methods support visions of an interactive melting pot of knowledge and ideas. In addition to a varied professional training range for managers, employees and those learning Jansen Academy offers a wide range of courses and workshops for customers and partners. The ample Jansen Academy range is permanently enhanced as part of cooperations with knowledge and training partners.

- Vocational training
- Inductions for new employees (with Götti)
- Internal specialist training
- External specialist training courses

Professional development
- Internal advanced professional training (management, sales, IT, QUS, project management, Lean Six Sigma, languages, etc.)
- Individual external advanced professional training (FA, HF, HFP, FH, CAS, MAS, EMBA, courses, seminars, etc.)

Young person training
Programmes to develop the potential including assessment of potential and individual career planning (specialist career, management career, project management career)

Partner and customer training
- Face-to-face training (seminars, conventions and workshops)
- Learning platforms with eLearning modules

- Education partners (Swissmem, ZbW, HF Rheintal, trainers, coaches)
- Knowledge partner (higher education facilities, universities, KTI, WTT networks, associations, organisations)
- Internships (ETH, NTB)