Geothermal key technology for C02-neutral housing estate
The iconic project generates no operating costs, neither for heating, cooling nor electricity. To achieve this, a new type of geothermal probe layout was developed using an efficient overall energy concept for a residential area of 3547m² in order to use the free geothermal energy as efficiently as possible down to a depth of 250 metres. The two geothermal probe types JANSEN hipress and JANSEN geotwin were applied.
The ‘Umwelt Arena Schweiz’ Foundation, as the developer of the property, aims to inform and raise awareness among the population and investors about energy efficiency. The initiator of the housing estate is Walter Schmid, environmental pioneer and president of the ‘Umwelt Arena’ Foundation Board. In the last ten years, the foundation has won many national and international awards for best achievements in the field of energy.
Project details
Geothermal systems
- Drilling company
GTB Erdsondenbohrungen AG, Männedorf/CH
- Builder
Stiftung UmweltArena Schweiz, Spreitenbach/CH