How does Jansen support metal fabricators regarding EN 16034?
Licence agreement
Jansen AG provides various models for obtaining a new licence agreement.
For updating their licence, Swiss metal fabricators who have already successfully completed the Jansen fire protection licence training only need to pass training for EN 16034 and the associated product marking. This training takes half a day to complete. The training session includes an introduction to the new documentation such as the classification and EXAP report, definition and explanation of the necessary steps to enable CE marking as well as an explanation of the CE marking process with Jansen systems.
Metal fabricators who have not yet completed any fire protection training for Jansen fire protection systems will be trained over 2 days. The first 1.5 are used to explain the fire protection systems, standards and key fabrication steps. The remaining 0.5 day is used to introduce EN 16034 in the same way as described in the previous paragraph. Dates for training sessions can be found in the training programme.
Metal fabricators from countries other than Switzerland should contact their Jansen sales partner.
Classification report and Appropriate Technical Documentation (ATD)
The classification report attests the results of the tests carried out in line with EN 16034 and forms the basis for the European approval for fire and smoke protection barriers. In the course of the approval process, the ATD replaces the Type Testing for the metal fabrication company. The performance properties as well as the system limits are explained in the ATD. In this regard, the structure of the implementation documents of the ATD are based on the existing documentation so that familiarisation with this new document is made as easy as possible. Once the licence agreement is updated, the metal fabrication company can access these documents.
Factory Production Control (FPC)
Another important step is the introduction of an FPC. To facilitate this introduction, several parties provide FPC workshops. Most workshops include the preparation of an FPC, which can then be used directly in your own company. To this end, forms are provided which meet the FPC requirements in terms of EN 16034 and EN 14351-1. These forms are filled out in the workshop and then simply need to be completed at your company afterwards.
Please contact your responsible Jansen sales partner for further information on available FPC workshops.
Third-party monitoring
If you have an updated licence agreement and an FPC, initial monitoring can be carried out by a notified product certification body. If this is completed successfully, the metal fabricator receives the certificate for constancy of performance and is then entitled to issue Declarations of Performance and launch products with CE marking on the market. Your Jansen contact will be happy to provide you with information about the notified product certification bodies that can be used for Jansen fire protection products.